Cold Chain Management for Vaccines
The Cold Chain process involves the transportation and storage of vaccines within the safe temperature range of 2oC - 8oC at ALL times from manufacture to administration. If the cold chain is not maintained the vaccines may be inactivated or their shelf life reduced. Vaccines can be inactivated by getting too hot, freezing or exposure to light(direct sunlight or fluorescent light).
Guidelines for maintaining the cold chain
- Have a separate immunization refrigerator.
- Appoint one person to be responsible for the cold chain.
- Store vaccines on a tray or in a container in the middle and upper shelves of the refrigerator only.
- Fill the empty spaces in the refrigerator with bottles of salt water to maintain a stable temperature.Keep the refrigerator door closed.
- Secure the power source, so that the refrigerator does not get turned off.
- Defrost the refrigerator regularly. The build up of ice reduces the refrigerator effectiveness.
- Rotate the vaccines regularly, check expiry dates.
- Use only 50% of the suitable storage area so air can circulate freely around the vaccines.
- Monitor refrigerator temperatures (min/max) daily.

If you do not have a separate vaccine refrigerator keep vaccines in a closed Styrofoam container on the middle or upper shelves of the refrigerator. Put the minimum/maximum thermometer in the container with the vaccines.
If transporting vaccines wrap them or store in a smaller container and surround with Icepacks. Do not allow vaccines to directly contact Icepacks, as they tend to freeze.

- Vaccines containing diphtheria, tetanus, and/or pertussis
- Haemophilus influenzas type B vaccines (except for PRP-T in the form of Hiberix)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Influenza
- Pneumococcal
- All combinations of the above vaccines
- All reconstituted vaccines
- Vaccine diluents
Freezing also damages the following vaccines
- Rabies
- Typhoid
- Meningococcal
- Sabin
- MMR, reconstituted
- Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG)
- Reconstituted measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
- Oral polio
What to do if you suspect the cold chain (2oC to 8oC)has not been maintained.
Isolate the suspected vaccines in the refrigerator in a labeled container; do not used until advised otherwise.
Contact your state or territory vaccine distribution officer. Do not discard any vaccines unless directed to do so
by your state or territory vaccine distribution officer.